Dear Self:
If you don’t have power and control to use in your next move, what move would you make?
If you couldn’t take steps the way you normally would, what step would you take next?
If you didn’t think the thoughts you normally would think, what would the thoughts be?
If you wanted more love, what wall would you take down?
If you wanted truth, what lie would you stop believing?
If you wanted freedom, what would silence?
If you wanted a sweetness to return to your life, what callouses would you sluff off?
Do you go to helplessness? What is one thought that is helpful?
Do you go to hopelessness? What is one thought, song or friend that is hopeful?
I think sometimes we forget that life is happening in micro moments of our day. I’m hoping these help you become closer to yourself today.
I hope there’s a shift.
I hope there is a moment of clarity.
I hope there is a moment where you notice something that causes you to slow down.
I spent most of my life trying to remain hopeful when deep down I felt like it was utterly disappointing. As I start to wake up from being so sleepy within, I am starting to see areas where it’s time to let go, and feel myself loosening a grip on all the things I cannot control, that I no longer want to try to control, and the areas where I truly desire freedom.
I wrote candidly about my journey of becoming free of my own misery for my premium subscribers. Some words are not meant for everyone. 🧡
Here’s a sneak peak:
I am convinced many of us don’t actually know what we want, so the route is to live in the chaos in our own minds. Instead of standing still and looking into the jar of all our dreams, we shove our faces full of crackers, alcohol and charcuterie to make you feel like you have meaning and connection, but it’s all empty. Then we look to blame, “When I was a kid,” “my parents,” “my childhood,” then couple that with decades of lived experience now it’s “my ex.” Just fill in the perpetrator for why you’re so stuck and gorging yourself on empty calories. Throw a dash of anxiety, depression, helplessness and discouragement as if they are salt of the earth saying, “I’m human,” and “I’m connected to my humanity.”
What if that is bullshit?
I can feast on misery and blame, no problem. Living life as a victim is convenient and fast food at best. Refusal to take an ounce of responsibility for the jar of dreams I hold, and instead, shelving it to reach for the ingredients of a shitty life.
At some point do you ever just feel fucking sick of it all? The pain, the suffering and the normalizing of this experience?
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